Every captain needs an excellent navigator.

Embark with a brand communications activist and PR strategist, dedicated to purpose-driven organizations.

As you chart a new course or voyage through stormy seas, strengthen your reputation and put the headwinds at your back.

Rouse response

Bolster demand

Change perceptions

Nourish goodwill

Foster advocacy

Instill confidence

Transform threats into opportunities

Diffuse hostility

Counter indifference

Recapture defectors

Engage a trusted partner to amplify your communications, to resonate with your audiences and the media.


Skillfully planned and implemented campaigns convey stakeholder priorities – what target audiences care about and need to know. Bespoke media relations (no ‘spray and pray’) inspire time-starved press to inject organizations, individuals and their storylines into the news and conversation.

Public Relations

Marketing Communications

Strategic Partnerships

Brand Strategy

Executive Leadership Visibility

Social Impact

Speech Writing

Crisis Communications & Reputation Management

Meet your navigator

Bonnie Reuben is the experienced and disciplined professional to whom organizational leadership and entrepreneurs turn for top-tier expertise in strategic brand communications and public relations.

Merging big-picture insight with granular sensitivity, Bonnie devises integrated, creative solutions with an authentic, distinctive voice– from perfect-pitch platforms and campaigns, to stellar media relations and crisis messaging.

Honing her skillset in hospitality, travel and lifestyle, the native New Yorker began her career with Inter-Continental Hotels and managed PR for several U.S. properties, tackling distressed markets and new openings, and trained colleagues in Mexico.

She advanced to head corporate communications for Doral Hotels & Resorts, the Boca Raton Resort & Club and Rockresorts, Inc., then launched Bonnie Reuben Communications (BRC) in 1995, with the privilege of collaborating with premium hotels, food & beverage, private clubs, spa,  retail, golf, tennis, real estate and non-profits ever since.

As an independent practitioner, Bonnie provides hands-on attention and candid counsel to a small cadre of clients (two retained to date for over 25 years) and fertilizes her fresh perspective with diverse project work across industries.

At the heart of every endeavor: shaping communications that reveal a brand’s meaningful “raison d'être.” Expressing the why is the most powerful, inspired way to shift attitudes and behaviors. 

A graduate of Cornell University with a degree in Communication Arts, Bonnie learned as much putting herself through college as she did academically. The New York native resides with her family in West Los Angeles, California, to whom she is indebted with pride and gratitude.

“If you cannot change the course of a storm, be the lighthouse.”

-Ronn Daigle

Ready to embark?